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Can we resist disease mongering campaigns? Yes, we can

5 Oct

Swine flu was managed is such a way by World Health Organization and national authorities that created panic. At the end of the epidemic WHO and national authorities did not do an analytical exercise to examinate their errors. So they were not errors but a world campaign of “disease mongering”. The Spanish case of the [...]

Clinical prevention: patients´ fear and the doctor’ s guilt

19 Jan

Prevention is an activity which frequently has is foundation in patients´fear and the doctor’ s guilt. So confronting prevention in many cases doctors and patients lose the scientific point of view. Clinical prevention: patients´ fear and the doctor’ s guilt. Gérvas, J., Heath, H., Durán, A., Gené, J., Members of the Seminar of Innovation 2008. [...]

Swine flu vaccination, better natural immunity than artificial one

31 Oct

Swine flu vaccination, better natural immunity than artificial one. Gripe A, mejor la enfermedad que la vacuna / Swine flu vaccination, better natural immunity than artificial one. Gérvas, J., Wright, J. [Notas clínicas]. Septiembre de 2009. Download English version here. Please may we have an RCT now?. Gérvas, J., Wright, J. BMJ 2009; 339: b4651. [...]

Spain and swine flu

30 Oct

Note about the Spanish movement asking for calm and common sense regarding the A flu. Spain and swine flu. Gérvas, J, Villanueva, T. CMJA. 15 de septiembre de 2009 [letter]. Go to the letter.

Disease mongering by WHO

30 Oct

The severity of swine flu is generally very low but WHO (World Health Organization) papers and policy transmit the idea of: a/ swine flu is a terrible and dangerous disease, and b/ prevention and treatment of flu swine is justifiable, necessary and urgent. It looks like a “disease mongering” campaign by WHO. Disease mongering by [...]

2008 Seminars Innovation Primary Care. Prevention and clinical complexity

30 Oct

Prevention might be seen as a simple activity. Prevention in some way might compensate the clinical duties of the general practitioner. But dealing with uncertainty is a question which also affects to prevention. Prevention should be part of the encounters in General Practice but only as a complement to clinical activities. Prevention is not central [...]

Cerivastatin and fatal rhabdomyolysis: not just a safety issue

6 May

The cerivastatin fatal rhabdomyolysis affair should be use as an example to stimulate reconsideration of the whole process of drug approval, marketing and use, as occurred after thalidomide was found to cause adverse effects to the foetus. It is not just a safety issue. Cerivastatin and fatal rhabdomyolysis: not just a safety issue. Gérvas, J., [...]