COVID-19 meets slums: drug cartels respond to the pandemic

8 Aug

From an epidemiological perspective favelas need to be protected not only due to population density, but also given the high social vulnerability; in view of equity, a key principle of the SUS. However, when protective measures are guided by crime organizations instead of by the government itself, we question whether the former have greater humanitarian concern than the latter.

  • COVID-19 meets slums: drug cartels respond to the pandemic. LS Ribeiro, DM Gonzaga, M P den Burg, J Gérvas. Río de Janeiro, Brazil. June 2020. Download article here.
This paper was published in the Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade. Rio de Janeiro, 2021 Jan-Dez; 16(43):2675 “Drug cartels respond to the pandemic”