Ten commandments for the rational use of vaccines. November 2015
1 Nov
Vaccines are a treasure that is not defended and it is improved by simply repeating that mantra. The vaccine treasure requires good use and a continuous critical evaluation, in relation to developing and maintaining the vaccination schedules. Vaccination policies have been very poor in the recent decades, in the scientific, professional and political areas. This has arose “vaccine hesitancy” in the population and in some extreme cases, rejection as a whole. The medical students integrated into Farmacríticx and IFMSA-Spain and healthcare providers members of NoGracias are developing a project that promotes the best use of vaccines, and they have develop the decalogue commandments to promote the rational use of vaccines
- Ten commandments for the rational use of vaccines. November 2015. Farmacríticxs, IFMSA-Spain y NoGracias. Download whole document here.